
Ecuadorian universities must undergo mandatory institutional evaluation, according to the LOES.

In this context, UTEQ develops the necessary actions to improve the quality of academic and administrative processes, in order to comply with the indicators at institutional level, according to the requirements of the CACES External Evaluation Model.

One of the responsibilities of the General Commission of Internal Evaluation and Quality Assurance CGEIAC is to propose the necessary actions and supervise their correct development for the continuous improvement of the indicators; and to follow up the policies and plans implemented by the UTEQ for the continuous improvement of quality, in the perspective of facing the challenge of external evaluation.

The expected results of the development of self-assessment and implementation of improvement plans are to reinforce the paradigm shift in the university community towards an action focused on processes and not on a functional division, as well as to promote a culture of quality for the assurance and continuous improvement of academic and administrative processes.

The institutional accreditation was granted to UTEQ, in 2020 by the Council for Quality Assurance in Higher Education CACES, for a period of five years, for having reached the criteria and standards determined in the Model of External Evaluation of Universities and Polytechnic Schools according to the accreditation methodology.

In the evaluation process, the CACES External Evaluation Committee assessed the fulfilment of quality standards, highlighting the relevant undergraduate and postgraduate academic offer, the exponential increase in publications in journals of regional and global impact, the notable improvement of the physical infrastructure with the construction of classroom and laboratory buildings on the La María Campus, the relationship with the environment with the linkage projects, and the student welfare services, among other aspects.

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