O professor da UTEQ formou um grupo de técnicos do MAG.

  Publicado em 03 do Outubro do 2018

Universidade   Investigação

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A 3 de Outubro, numa das salas da Unidade de Pós-Graduação, um grupo de técnicos do Ministério da Agricultura e Pecuária recebeu formação do Dr. Délsito Zambrano.

This training was based on the Surveys for the Characterisation of Animal Genetic Resources in Ecuador and was aimed at officials of this institution in the provinces of Esmeraldas, Manabí, Guayas, Santa Elena and Los Ríos.

It is worth mentioning that MAG is developing a pilot project with FAO and the COMBIAND NETWORK. For this reason, the Director of Livestock Species Development of MAG saw the need for his technicians to be trained with specialists in the subject.


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