Higher Collegiate Body

Dr. Eduardo Díaz Ocampo, PhD.

Rector of UTEQ. President of the Agency

Voice Vote

Dr. Eduardo Díaz Ocampo, PhD.

Ing. Yenny Guiselli Torres Navarrete, PhD.

Academic Vice-Rector

Voice Vote

Ing. Yenny Guiselli Torres Navarrete, PhD.

Ing. Bolívar Roberto Pico Saltos, M.Sc.

Administrative Vice-Rector

Voice Vote

Ing. Bolívar Roberto Pico Saltos, M.Sc.

Ing. Dominga Ernestina Rodríguez Angulo

Principal Teaching Representative

Voice Vote

Ing. Dominga Ernestina Rodríguez Angulo

Ing. Diana Lucia Vasco Mora, PhD.

Principal Teaching Representative

Voice Vote

Ing. Diana Lucia Vasco Mora, PhD.

Lcdo. Segundo Arturo Cabrera Vargas, M.Sc.

Principal Teaching Representative

Voice Vote

Lcdo. Segundo Arturo Cabrera Vargas, M.Sc.

CPA. Magaly Narcisa del Jesús Reyes Cevallos

Principal Teaching Representative

Voice Vote

CPA. Magaly Narcisa del Jesús Reyes Cevallos

Ing. Roque Luis Vivas Moreira, M.Sc.

Academic Authority Representative

Voice Vote

Ing. Roque Luis Vivas Moreira, M.Sc.

Ing. Washington Alberto Chiriboga Casanova, M.Sc.

Academic Authority Representative

Voice Vote

Ing. Washington Alberto Chiriboga Casanova, M.Sc.

Sr. Luis Vicente Carriel Zambrano

Senior Student Member

Voice Vote

Sr. Luis Vicente Carriel Zambrano

Ing. Bladimir Cedeño Salazar, M.Sc.

Employees and Workers Representative

Voice Vote

Ing. Bladimir Cedeño Salazar, M.Sc.