UED presented a fair of projects of the Systems and Agricultural and Livestock careers.

  Published on 01 from November from 2018

University   Academic

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With the participation of teachers and students of the careers of Systems Engineering and Agriculture, the UED presented a fair of integrative projects.

Five projects from the systems degree course took part in this fair with the following themes: Elaboration and commercialisation of wine from fermented ripe banana; Green candied papaya; Golden biscuits made from banana flour; Ice cream made from cocoa mucilage; Syrup "Los costeños Jecad" made from arazá. Meanwhile, 18 projects from the Agricultural and Livestock degree programme took part, including the following topics: Computer system for the control of entry and exit of vehicles in the car parks of the UTEQ; Computer system for the control of meter readings of the drinking water board in the parish of Puerto Limón; System for charging for land use for the GAD Parroquial Patricia Pilar; Hotspot with radius server navigation with authentications for the Campus "La María" of the UTEQ; Mobile application to monitor the status of pets for the GAD of the canton Ventanas. The fair was also attended by authorities from the university and the academic unit, who congratulated the students of these careers for the innovation and technology they provide to the university community and in general.


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