Olympics for Economist's Day

  Published on 18 from December from 2017

Faculty of Business Sciences   Sport

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Students of the Economics Association, with the support of the authorities of the Faculty of Business Sciences, organised the Third Internal Olympics on the 25th of November.

The event took place at the UTEQ Sports Complex and was attended by students from all semesters of the course. During the opening ceremony, Washington Carreño, deputy administrative vice-rector, was in charge of welcoming the athletes.

After this, the Miss Sports was elected, a dignity that was awarded to Isabel Buenaño of the seventh semester "A". About twenty-four teams, including morning and afternoon students, were those who participated in the championship..

After the games, the winning teams were awarded their prizes. The title of men's basketball champions and women's basketball champions went to First Semester Unified. On the other hand the champions of futsal and football were the students of the third parallel semester "B".

José Peñafiel, president of the Aso. of the Economics degree course, expressed his satisfaction with this sporting event of which he has been a part. "The internal games of this career have been developed with total normality, new talents have been discovered in the different disciplines, which inspires us to continue carrying out this type of events", Peñafiel said.


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