New tenured academics at UTEQ

  Published on 04 from May from 2017

University   Institutional

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The UTEQ has new tenured academics who received, in the framework of a special act, their respective personnel actions from the authorities of the institution.

The new tenured teachers participated in a merit-based competition which took place in accordance with the regulations in these cases.

In the group of teachers there are a total of fifteen professionals who were awarded tenure as Senior Lecturers Level 1 Grade 1, they are: Cadme Arévalo María, Martínez Chévez Malena, Muñoz Marcillo José, Gaibor Fernández Ramiro, Moreno Vera Ana, Díaz Ponce Mariela, Tay-Hing Cajas Cecilia, Vallejo Torres Christian, Mora Secaira Janeth, Moreira Menéndez Mercedes, Moncayo Carreño Oscar, Arévalo Briones Karina, Cobo Litardo Elsye, Calero Lara Magali and Tachong Alencastro Laura. The following were also awarded tenure as Associate Lecturers Level 1 Grade 3: Ferrer Sánchez Yarelis, Crespo Gutiérrez Rommel, Abasolo Pacheco Fernando, Vásconez Montufar Gregorio, Mestanza Uquillas Camilo, Reyes Pérez Juan and Novoa Hernández Pavel. In the same way, four tenured academics won the competition to become principal lecturers Level 1 grade 6, Zambrano Carlos Edison, Nieto Rodríguez José, Morante Carriel Jaime, Canchignia Rodríguez Hayron. Eduardo Díaz, rector of the university, congratulated the winners of the competition, predicting success and expressing his support to achieve great achievements for UTEQ. He also thanked and congratulated those who organised this process, which was carried out with transparency and honesty.


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