Ministry of Environment and UTEQ train Community Leaders in conservation issues

  Published on 10 from July from 2018

University   Social/Cultural

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The Ministry of Environment in coordination with UTEQ conducted training sessions for community leaders living in natural wildlife refuges in the province of Los Ríos.

The event took place in the auditorium of the FCI on 27 and 28 June this year.

The community leaders, who take the name of inspectors Ministry of Environment and UTEQ train Community Leaders in honorary conservation issues, belonging to the thirteen cantons of the province of Los Ríos, will be responsible for ensuring compliance with the law that protects flora and fauna.

Elías Cuásquer, lecturer at the FCAmb of UTEQ and coordinator of the training, said that many animals are constantly being hunted by hunters who threaten their existence, as well as many forest species that are threatened by irresponsible exploitation and predation. The talks are intended to raise awareness among the public so that we keep our wildlife intact as a natural resource for the enjoyment of future generations.


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