Miguel Ángel tells us about his first day of classes at the pre-university school

  Published on 02 from December from 2021

University   Institutional

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Miguel Ángel Ruíz Zambrano, 27 years old and a pre-university student of Public Administration, shares with us how he experienced his first day of classes.

What was the first thing you did before you started your first day of school?
My first day of school was super exciting. I woke up at 6 a.m. to get ready until 7:30 a.m. when the first hour of classes started. This day I received the subject Language and Communication, which is a new working tool to keep us connected to the university system.

Do you like studying online?
Yes, it is a new way to stay connected to the classes, I like it because the teachers use different work tools such as applications to maintain asynchronous communication. I like online classes because it allows me to have more time at home to do my family activities.

What do you like most about starting classes?
I am happy to have started this university course, and that makes me think about my future and all the good things that lie ahead of me once I get my university degree. I am starting this pre-university with a lot of joy, commitment and dedication because I really want to be a great professional.

A message to your fellow students?
Study hard and dedicate the necessary time to complete the tasks that the teachers send us, do not miss the opportunity to study now, as time goes by and every day the work demands are more and more.


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