Agropecuary students exhibit products based on medicinal plants

  Published on 12 from April from 2018

Faculty of Livestock and Biological Sciences   Research

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Students from the Agricultural Engineering course exhibited at the third fair of plant innovation, production and use of medicinal plants, prepared by them.

This event was held on 2 March on the premises of the Faculty of Livestock Sciences (Finca La María), where some stands were located from which students exhibited their products to the university community.

This fair was held with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of conserving and rescuing the biodiversity that is currently being lost. In addition, these products have been made from herbs that have been classified, since our ancestors, as medicinal.

Wilfrido Escobar, a teacher at UTEQ, said that in this open house the plants they have worked with are: dead rose, tiatina, air leaf, vic vaporup, aloe vera, yerba buena, mint and ginger. He also pointed out that medicinal herbs and scientific knowledge generate products that serve as therapies for those who need them. "The students are demonstrating that through their learning and creativity they can produce products that can then be marketed, thus promoting entrepreneurship," Escobar explained.


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