Teachers trained in the use of scientific databases

  Published on 27 from December from 2016

University   Institutional

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The State Technical University of Quevedo, in coordination with the Academic Vice-rectorate, organised the training 'Use of the Scientific Database of the UTEQ Library'.


Event that took place in the Auditorium ""Carlos Cortaza González"", on Wednesday 23 November 2016, at 10h00.

The purpose of the training was to promote the use of the Bibliographic Fund, the CEAACES Evaluation Indicator, a sub-criterion that evaluates the bibliographic and documentary resources that support teaching, student work and the development of research activities related to the academic and professional training of the degree course.

Currently the General Library of the UTEQ has three subscriptions to scientific databases such as: BIBLIOTECHNIA, ELIBRO and TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, of which the company Difusión Científica trained the teachers in the Bibliotechnia and Taylor and Francis databases.



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