Assemblyman for Los Ríos visited UTEQ

  Published on 15 from May from 2018

University   Institutional

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A protocol visit was made by Ramón Terán, Assemblyman for the province of Los Ríos, to the authorities of the State Technical University of Quevedo on 13 April.

The purpose of his visit was to jointly analyse the draft reform of the Organic Law on Higher Education and the upcoming university evaluation process, Terán said.

The legislator also commented that he is preparing an agrarian project to present to the National Assembly and wanted to take advantage of the visit to exchange knowledge with specialists in this field at UTEQ.

"I was very impressed by the work being done by Dr. Eduardo Diaz and his team for the benefit of the community. As a provincial assemblyman, I want to assure you of my unconditional support for the achievement of all academic achievements, both nationally and internationally," said Terán.


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