Older adults from the canton of Buena Fe completed training courses

  Published on 06 from November from 2021

Liaison   Institutional

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Older adults from the Buena Fe canton in Fluminense completed the training given by students of the Agroindustry degree of the UTEQ.

Through the linkage project "Use of agricultural raw materials for the transformation of food and non-food products", which is developed with the Directorate of Social Development of this canton.

A total of 50 older adults benefited from the training, who learned how to make food products such as jam, yoghurt and cheese, and non-food products such as disinfectants, shampoo, liquid soap, among others.

The project has been developed for 3 months in different areas of influence of UTEQ such as Valencia, El Empalme, Mocache, Quevedo and Buena Fe. More than 800 people have benefited from this project and through the knowledge acquired they will be able to start up businesses and generate income.

At the end of the activities, the older adults received certificates and acknowledgements from UTEQ's directors and representatives of the GAD of Buena Fe.

José Villaroel, director of the project; Sonia Barzola, dean of the Faculty of Industry and Production Sciences; Viviana Alcívar, representative of the GAD of Buena Fe, were present at the presentation of certificates.


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